link1a | link 2 | link-o numer-o 4-o | link numero 5 | layout

This is where the main contents of your website will go. You can add anything you wantx to this area. All I require is that you leave a text or button link back to on your navigational area, and to leave intact the " Templates" embedded image. Thanks!

You will notice that this is a floating scrollable layer on your webpage. It can accomodate any amount of content that you want to add to it, and the speed of the scroller can be adjusted (ask jdqd opwjendcUEFUb eiqecnEIJF'anmcIACANCIEWCaujbc UAEljnSCEICNAJLSNCIACNalk"sQIPEWFNEVUBDVBucn aisdn'I IWD EJ\FJEF
ef FIEJFIOEDJBVFUBVif you are confident enough to mess with the htmdamnfkanfkqenfefnenfqw eknfdiqecdnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl settings).